
This blog aims to educate & encourage you on all things sustainable to do with clothing.
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Bag For Life


We use a lot of plastic - 100 million tonnes is the current world annual consumption, that's 20 times more than 50 years ago.

Nearly 3 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated in the UK, each year. Of which, it is estimated only 7% is recycled.

Plastic production requires significant amounts of fossil fuels, as a raw material and energy for the manufacturing process. It is estimated that 4% of the world's annual oil production is used for plastics production and a further 3-4% during manufacture. *

'Bag for life' bags have been popular for some time, with various retailers offering their own version. Supermarkets offer stronger plastic bags and Marks & Spencer have their own canvas monochromatic Twiggy totes. 

Considering a plastic bag can take 100 years to decompose in a landfill** it makes sense to recycle and make use of current plastic bags and promote bag for life usage. 

I found this Etsy tutorial 'How-To: Fuse Plastic Bags'

And decided to use up all the spare plastic bags in my student halls kitchen, to make a bag for life. I started by trying different bags and heat settings until the plastic fused well into a strong material and collected a patchwork of material.

I then worked out a size from an existing canvas bag and made a pattern from old newspaper to cut the fused plastic to.

Once sellotaped together (I used Magic Tape) in the desired patchwork I tried sewing some offcuts of badly fused plastic to get the correct tension. I found zig-zag stitching the most affective. Stitch together the patchwork panels and then the sides inside out. Use talcum powder if the sewing machine doesn't want to hold the material.

Fuse narrow pieces to create handles and fix with tape in the correct place before zig-zag stitching in two place. 

And use!

* Waste Online - lots of useful information regarding plastic and recycling
** Guardian article - M&S to charge for plastic bags

1 comment:

Green Machine said...

These bags look great... seems so easy I reckon even I could probably make one :).

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